Will You Repeat 2016?

We have made it to another new year. There has been no shortage of "New Year's encouragement" and I'm sure you have heard / read your share of it. But in all that you have read and heard, how much of it have you acted on? We are five days in and some of you vowed that this year would be different than last year, but you have yet to do anything different in these first five days of the new year. Did you know that change does not just happen? You have to MAKE change happen. You may think it's not that crucial because it's only been 5 days. If you are not careful, it will be 30 days and then 60 and then 6 months. Before you know it you will have repeated 2016.

If you want 2017 to be different you have to change your mind, not just your words. When I say "change your mind" I am talking about a radical change, not a casual change. Your brain is designed to find the path of least resistance. That's why most people do not change, and if they do they do not change much. It is easier to keep going the way you are going than to change and do something different. You can't simply want to have a different year and not actively and aggressively pursue it. You've heard it before, "Insanity is doing the same thing the same way over and over but expecting a different result."

Why don't people change?

One reason is because the brain will gravitate to the path of least resistance if left on automatic like I previously said. But there is another reason. They (you) don't want it bad enough. Eric Thomas did a video years ago about the Guru who held the guy under water as the guy was fighting to breathe. He said that the Guru told the guy that when you want to be successful as much as you wanted to breathe then you will be successful. The same is true with any change. You have to want it. I told someone that the overwhelming majority of people who are successful wake up early. They told me that waking up early is not their thing. They were focused on their comfort. Change was not an emergency. If there was a fire in your house at 4am you would be awake, alert and busy. You would be trying to figure out either how to get out of the house or how to put the fire out, but you would be up. The reason you won't do what it takes to go to the next level, whatever that is for you, if because there is no emergency. You are not changing, doing something different, making the most out of these first 5 days because you don't have to. You need to have an emergency mindset, or stop saying you are going to make this year different.

What are some goals you would like to accomplish in 2017? I'd love to hear from you. Share your goals below. And as always, SHARE :)


Don't Make It Easy


Healing from the Outside In