Clifton Brantley

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Six Steps to Being More Confident

It is always interesting to me when people say, “You are so confident,” because I often feel I need more confidence. I was recently watching Mel Robbins on Creative Live and she was talking about how to have confidence and overcome self-doubt. She shared this formula for being confident and I want to share it with you. I wish I had thought of it, but I did not. This is Mel’s work but I really want you to get it.

Here are 6 steps to being more confident…

  1. Decide to try. Once you decide to try, you are already operating in confidence. Confidence is situational. That means that no is confident in every area. You may be confident as a father but not as a husband. Or you may be confident as a teacher but not as a cook. You do not have to be an expert in the area in which you are hoping to have confidence. Just take the first step and try!

  2. Succeed or Survive. Once you try it you will either succeed at it or you will survive it. Notice I did not say fail. Isn’t it interested how the only alternative to succeeding that we can see is failing? You did not fail, you survived.

  3. Learn. If you succeed then learn from it. If you did not succeed but you survived it, learn from it.

  4. Build your skills. Now that you are learning, you start to get good at it. You build your skills in the area that you want to be confident in.

  5. Competency. Once you build your skills you become competent. You know what you are doing because you’ve been putting in work. You decided to try, you survived and did not die so you learned from it, built your skills and now you have a level of competency.

  6. Confidence. Now you can be confident in what you do. The only thing left to do now if find a new area to become more confident in.

Life will only get better when you get better. No one is coming to your aid to make life better for you. That includes your marriage. You are responsible for making sure your spouse has a great spouse. Being confident as a spouse means you have been actively involved in marriage and growing in your weak areas so that you can build a marriage legacy.